Monday, October 02, 2006

Again this year

I have been busy doing the fall ritual of putting the summer clothes away and getting out the winter ones. I have tons of laundry to wash the ones coming out of storage and also the ones being put away. I wear a lot of sweaters so they need to be sorted and some replaced because they were washed too many times last year. So if anyone is looking for a gift for me, it is "sweaters".
When I got home from church yesterday I opened the front door and began to remove the screen on the storm door and install the glass panels.
As I was working people were driving up Center Street and looking at me. I didn't, but I wanted to shout to them, "what are you looking at, the cold weather is coming and there is nothing we can do about it. I have to do this or I won't be able to afford to heat my house."
I am almost 70 years old, how many times have I repeated this task, but that is not the question at 69, it is how many more times will I do this. That is the biggest mystery in our lives.


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