Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dry weather

This is the time in the Adirondacks that everyone's lawn gets brown instead of green. I have been watering mine for day, it is still brown. I will have to get the fertilizer out and spread it and water it in since the weatherman is not predicting a lot of rain.
In the spring we mow the lawn every few days, and it is downhill from there. I mow mine less and less as the summer progresses and it looks less healthy at the same time.
Later this afternoon I will spread some Scott's and let it kill the weeds and grow the grass. Then I can go back to mowing it more often again.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The good times

We are in the middle of the "good times" in the Adirondacks. I get up in the morning and open the doors, and let the cool air in. That is great, I often think of doing that in December and January.
I dress in shorts and a golf shirt, and walk out the door to water the lawn in shorts in the morning. I can't do that in January.
Let us enjoy this time, it will not last long. I believe God gave us these times to enjoy, and to look to him as the creator. The one who loves us enough to give us these times, and to enjoy everything that goes with them.
I think I will go and water the lawn in my shorts and golf shirt.