Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Too much snow

I have so much snow in my yard I can't see over the banks. In the front I have snow right up to the window sills. I am trying to alleviate problems in the spring by not piling snow up against my foundation. I clear as best I can the snow in the back. On the side my neighbor refuses to help me out and keep snow away from the house. My snow banks are almost 6 ft high my neighbor wants to double them so nothing has to be put on their property. And I am the bad guy because I don't want to put water in my cellar. Come on Spring.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It is becoming a problem

After each storm we get I run the snowblower and clean everything up. I am sure everyone is the same way, we have things we like to do to get the yard in the condition we want it. I blow a path to the garage side door, and clean out in back of the house and shovel out the cellar windows. The gas tank has to be cleaned out, and I shovel the snow from the side of the house so it won't melt and run in the cellar.
It seems like lately I am struggling just to keep the driveway open so I can get the car out. The snow piles are high, and there is little room left to put the snow. If I had a payloader and truck I could haul it all away and make more room, but I don't have such things. Lets hope our snowblowers don't break down.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

More snow!

More snow today, come on, let's give my snowblower a break. I can remember when I would go downstreet and fill my gas container. I never paid much attention to how much it cost, it may have been $3 to fill the container. I went down the other day and it was $11 and change, and it won't last the rest of the season at the rate I am using it.
Is there anything the cost of crude doesn't impact?
And they say there is no inflation.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Get out the shovel and the ice melt

I was hoping to go to Saratoga tomorrow, but the weatherman is saying tomorrow will not be a good day to travel. Up to 8 inches of snow, rain, sleet and freezing rain. Staying home on a day like that is just good thinking. I am glad to be retired even though I do work a lot, I don't have to be up and out no matter what the weather like I did when employed.
Life in the Adirondacks is just this in the winter, and the farther north you go the more "wintery" it gets. Lets move south where it doesn't snow. (just kidding)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Superbowl weekend

We are tucked up here in the Adirondacks away from the stadiums and the big cities and their excitement, but Superbowl weekend still happens. Lots of talk about who would win and who would kick who's _____. That probably is the same in the city.

Maybe we lack the excitement of the city and the excitement of being in a stadium with so many people, but we still have great food and plenty of it. I went to the firemans party and it was so great. Thank you Dean for inviting me and thank you Fire Co. for the great Party. I must have gained 10 lbs, but enjoyed every minute of it.

And my team won too.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

A good day so far.

Today started off as a good day, I went to breakfast with one of my sons, wish the rest of the kids had been there, but you take what you can get. We went to the Golden Corral and it was great. Then to our usual stop when ever we are near a Staples, then to BJ's. I am having telephone trouble so I picked up a new top of the heap technology phone. Not a luxury I needed it.

The rest of the day is dealing with the storm of yesterday, everything is ice. Ice melt is the main tool against it. Living in the Adirondacks requires this work, keep your heart in good shape when you live in the mountains, and keep your shovel handy.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Happy Birthday Sandy!

My friend Sandy passed away very unexpectedly. I have missed her, today is her birthday.

I miss you Sandy, Happy Birthday.