Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Those two words

I am 69 years old, I often have said throughout life that when we are young we see this very long time in front of us, and a very short period in back of us. In midlife we see equal times , a length of time gone by and what we think is how long our time on earth will be in front of us.
I now see a very long time behind me, (life gone by) and a big question mark in front of me. None of us know the time we have on this earth. I also see my mind getting better and my body not cooperating with my mind. I think I can do something but the body says, "wait a minute, I have something to say about that now, you have to take me into consideration. " I used to be able to abuse my body and it would cooperate, no more. I am not complaining, I am in good health and my body treats me well in almost every situation.
The greatest mysteries we have are how long we will be here and what condition will we be in as the years pass.
I often pray about this and ask for healing and health and happiness, I keep getting those two words back from God, "Trust Me."

Monday, October 16, 2006

We should be ashamed.

I just went to the movie, "The Departed", I came out thinking only one thing. We should be ashamed that there is not something in place that would not allow the movie to play in our theaters.
We have problems in our schools with shootings and language and behavior, and we show movies like this that could do nothing but make the problem worse.
Certainly something is wrong with our common sense mechanism.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Again this year

I have been busy doing the fall ritual of putting the summer clothes away and getting out the winter ones. I have tons of laundry to wash the ones coming out of storage and also the ones being put away. I wear a lot of sweaters so they need to be sorted and some replaced because they were washed too many times last year. So if anyone is looking for a gift for me, it is "sweaters".
When I got home from church yesterday I opened the front door and began to remove the screen on the storm door and install the glass panels.
As I was working people were driving up Center Street and looking at me. I didn't, but I wanted to shout to them, "what are you looking at, the cold weather is coming and there is nothing we can do about it. I have to do this or I won't be able to afford to heat my house."
I am almost 70 years old, how many times have I repeated this task, but that is not the question at 69, it is how many more times will I do this. That is the biggest mystery in our lives.